Farms and ranches with horses require lots of care when changing seasons, this is because not preparing properly could leave your horse ill and poorly all season.
When you know it’s coming to the end of a season, start to pick stuff up for the next season. If you don’t start to buy early, it will get to the next season and you’ll be stuck with nothing and there might be none left in any stores.
Pick up some toys to keep your horse entertained and to beat the winter blues! Make sure to replace anything and everything that will keep them warm like, heated buckets, heaters in general and anything else you think of.
The ground needs to be ready before the frost hits. Make sure all your animals are away from the ground you are spraying before spraying it as this could be dangerous and effect the horse.
If your horses have a pasture, switch to a sacrifice or indoor hay feeding as soon as you can. Pastures can be replaced easily this is great to make sure your pasture doesn’t freeze in the cold months.
Create your stable management schedule for the winter. Manure will no longer be spread about, you’ll need to clean the stable once every few days to prevent build up. Manure that is left standing becomes mud when rain falls, making it ideal to cart off the refuse to a compost before the rain sets in and check the stables daily during the rainy season.
Make sure you plan for your horse to get regular exercise and ride safely. Make sure you keep exercise and cleaning schedules with everyone responsible for maintenance. Missed days must always be picked up by someone else.
Compost will require special treatment in these season of rain and freeze. Take care to avoid allowing grazing when compost is decomposing, as bacteria in the soil can harm horses even as it fertilizes the ground.
Keep the area raked and well aerated. The pitchfork is the best tool to use when it comes to preparing for seasons and take extra care to ensure that runoff compost doesn’t flow into fivers or any other water.
When frost is announced, its time to double check all preparations are done and sorted! Get out the blankets, double check all electric equipment and lighting. Always make sure there’s some source of light that your horse has, also chase down a freshly weaned colt.
Then you’re all sorted for autumn!